Strip Quilt Secrets
Diane D. Knott --
Transform fabric strips into unique and interesting quilts
Get ready for some of the best-kept secrets in strip quilting! You'll start with the basics of cutting, storing, and piecing fabric strips from 1½ to 3½ wide. Explore five techniques to make strip-pieced rows, triangles, and more advanced blocks. Then make the most of your stash by turning precut strips, sliced yardage, and even selvages into fifteen innovative strip-quilt projects. Customize the look of each quilt with blank coloring pages, laying the foundation to design your own strip quilts.
Sew fifteen quilt projects from fabric strips, in every look from planned to scrap-tastic
Bust your stash and your scraps! Use extra-wide strips, skinny selvages, precuts, and yardage to sew innovative designs
Start with easy strip sets, advancing to triangles and interesting layouts that might surprise you
8.5" x 11"
96 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61745-757-9
UPC: 734817-113249
(eISBN: 978-1-61745-758-6